What You Need to Know About the Arizona DUI Laws

Understanding Arizona’s DUI laws is essential if you ever find yourself facing charges. Get the facts in this comprehensive overview from Attorney Derek Oliverson.

Understanding Arizona DUI Laws

At Oliverson Law PLLC, our attorneys include a former DUI judge, police officer, and DUI prosecutors.  In addition, we have represented thousands charged with DUI’s in Arizona.  This unique experience gives our clients the team necessary to get you the best possible result in your case.

Arizona DUI laws are known for being among the harshest in the country. It’s considered a DUI “zero tolerance” state, it is also known for its strict treatment of misdemeanor and felony DUI cases. Although DUIs are usually charged as misdemeanors, every DUI conviction earns the driver at least one day of jail time due to the strict Arizona laws. 

According to Arizona DUI laws, you can be pulled over while driving or having actual physical control of a vehicle if it is suspected that you are under the influence or impaired to the slightest degree. If it is determined during a field sobriety test that you have a blood alcohol content (BAC) higher than the legal limit of 0.08 percent, you will be arrested and criminal charges will be filed against you. 

The several types of DUI vary based on certain determining factors in addition to BAC, such as whether the driver has a commercial driver’s license (CDL), is under the legal age to drink, or is driving on a suspended license when arrested.


Fighting DUI Penalties in Arizona

If you are arrested for operating a motor vehicle while impaired to the slightest degree, you should immediately contact experienced attorneys to fight a potential DUI conviction and penalties. A criminal conviction for DUI can bring lasting repercussions, especially when coupled with other legal issues like extreme DUI, super extreme DUI, aggravated DUI, or alcohol-related crashes. 

For most DUI offenses, however, the attorneys at Oliverson Law PLLC may be able to get your case completely dismissed or reduce the criminal penalties to Continuous Alcohol Monitoring or House Arrest. With an excellent Arizona DUI lawyer from Oliverson Law PLLC located in Phoenix, you stand an excellent chance to win your DUI case. The criminal defense attorneys at our DUI law office are precisely what you need to fight your felony or misdemeanor charges.  We have literally been on every side of a DUI case as a former police officer, DUI prosecutors, and a DUI judge.


Basic DUI Laws in Arizona

According to DUI laws in Arizona, anyone driving or having actual physical control of a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher can be charged with a DUI leading to a DUI conviction. However, commercial drivers in Arizona face the consequences if their blood alcohol content is 0.04 percent or higher, whether they are driving for their job or are in actual physical control of a motor vehicle they own. 

Plus, underage drivers (those below the age of 21) should not have any alcohol in their system when they are pulled over. If they are found driving under the influence of intoxicating liquor during an alcohol screening, they stand a chance of being convicted of underage DUI drinking.

Arizona DUI Laws section

Speak with us about your case by calling (480) 582-3637 today!

Common Arizona DUI Penalties

 DUI offenders face strict Arizona DUI penalties based on what they are charged and convicted of, as well as whether it was their first offense. Repeat offenders driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol face severe penalties if they are found guilty, including: 

  • Certified Ignition Interlock Device
  • Driver’s License Revoked
  • Driver’s License Suspension
  • Mandatory Jail or Prison Time
  • Perform Community Service
  • Permanent Charges on Your Record 
  • Points on Your License 
  • Severe Fines
  • Traffic School

Beating a DUI charge can be simple if you have experienced DUI lawyers by your side. They will closely look into your case to find loose ends and offer you sound legal advice to help you beat your case. 

At Oliverson Law PLLC, we have represented thousands charged with various DUI offenses in Arizona.  We have had several of our client’s cases completely dismissed, and even if the State has a strong case against our clients we have had hundreds of cases substantially reduced. 

Beating an AZ DUI and Subsequent Offenses 

According to Arizona law, several factors can impact a DUI case. If you are found driving on a restricted license or with a blood alcohol level that far exceeds the legal limit on a chemical test, you will lose your driving privileges and face other penalties. 

However, there are many opportunities for mistakes from the prosecution with so many aspects to consider. Counsel should examine every possible argument.

Below are ways in which you can beat a DUI in Arizona.

  • If the police officer pulls you over while driving your vehicle he must be able to articulate reasonable suspicion that you had, or were about to, violate Arizona criminal or civil traffic law.  If they stop you without reasonable suspicion it could be a severe violation of your constitutional rights.
  • If the police officers conduct an illegal search on you, they are prohibited from doing so without your consent or probable cause.  This includes drawing your blood to determine your blood alcohol content.  There are many steps and legal procedures the police must follow in order to use a blood result against you.
  • If the breath testing is inaccurate or the breath test operator is unlicensed.  We look into every machine the police use to test your breath to determine if the results are even reliable.
  • If the police officer fails to conduct duplicate testing.

Consulting a Mesa DUI lawyer is an essential first step in fighting a first-time DUI offense or other offenses perpetrated under the influence of alcohol or drugs.


Arizona DUI Laws First Offense

 According to Arizona DUI laws, a first-offense DUI is a class 1 misdemeanor with penalties that include the following:

  • Alcohol and drug screening and counseling
  • Fines of at least $1,600
  • Minimum jail time of at least 10 days for the lowest DUI conviction
  • License suspension of at least 90 days and up to one year
  • Traffic school
  • Use of a certified ignition interlock device for one year

Minimum fines and sentences are more significant if the BAC was at an extreme level of 0.15% or higher, or a super extreme level of 0.20% or higher, the person is driving a commercial vehicle or has a CDL, or is an underaged driver.

If you are facing charges in a criminal case in Phoenix, contact Oliverson Law PLLC today at (480) 582-3637 to schedule a free initial consultation with our criminal defense lawyers.

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Arizona DUI Penalties

Arizona Revised Statutes DUI

 According to Arizona revised statutes regarding DUI, a DUI offense could consist of registering over the limit on a drug and alcohol screening for any of the following:

  • Alcohol
  • Intoxicating liquor
  • Toxic substance
  • Vapor releasing substance
  • Any drug, even if prescribed, if it impairs you to the slightest degree

Under Arizona law, driving while under the influence of any substance that impairs one’s judgment, motor function, or perception can result in days in jail. You do not want drug and vehicular crimes ruining your life. Therefore, you need the experience and aggressive attorneys at Oliverson Law on your side.  Being charged with DUI in Arizona can cause a lot of stress, but with the trusted DUI attorneys from Oliverson Law on your side, you can rest assured that your future is in good hands. 


How to Get a Good Lawyer for DUI in Arizona

Oliverson Law is a top-rated DUI law firm in Arizona. We have been consistently rated among Arizona’s top DUI defense firms due to our commitment to our clients and diligent DUI defense and our experience as a former police officer, prosecutors, and judge. Unlike other large criminal defense law firms, our DUI attorneys will give your criminal case the personal attention it deserves.

Our legal team has years of experience representing clients in felony and misdemeanor DUI criminal cases. We are ready to listen to your story and develop a strong defense strategy. Our main offices are conveniently located in the Phoenix metro area, so please contact us to schedule a free consultation and begin a successful attorney-client relationship.

Arizona Revised Statutes DUI

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